Sunday, June 9, 2019

June 9

Today was all about science. It started, ended, and progressed with it. Our day was sparked energetically by breakfast at 7:30, with eggs, chocolate nib pancakes, and delicious juice. The science began at 8:30. Dr. Pinto led the teams through an Escovopsis experiment, in which we investigated where the fungus is most present in ant colonies. Our group decided to sample from the middle, top, and bottom of the ant colony. We transferred these samples to a petri dish, where the fungus could reproduce, and the growth could be tracked. This experiment afforded us many much-needed trips to the only AC room in Finca La Anita - the home for the ants. After completing the experiment, we split into our groups, and started to decide what question we would investigate for our experiments. After putting serious thought into this and determining a preliminary research question, we stopped for lunch, and resumed at 2:00 PM. It was during this time that we continued research and solidified our proposal presentations. We later enjoyed delicious chocolate cake and hot chocolate for Leslie's birthday. We reunited for research, finishing and practicing our proposals. Dinner arrived with excellent fish and tasty potatoes, and the presentations began. As groups, we were to stand before our peers, Dr. Pinto, and the teachers and present what we were considering to do in the coming days. It was truly academic - our ideas were treated with thought and were given serious criticism to rectify both our projects and our impressions of the scientific method. And then, to sleep.

Pablo Troop - Nayan Sapers

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